2019 CATS RULE Exhibition in Detroit, MI

I am thrilled to announce my upcoming exhibition titled, “Cats Rule” at the Scarab Club in Detroit, Michigan. The opening is October 18 from 5-8pm and the exhibition runs through November 16. I’m honored that John Douglas Peters deemed my work worthy enough for a catalog which features 80 plus pages of my mischievous, playful CraneArt cats over the years along with whimsical quotes describing why cats really do rule. If you are in the area, please come to the opening (217 Farnsworth St.) Would love to see you.


Batman Cat

My original Batman Cat painting was commissioned by a patron in Detroit however, I was pleased to recreate a second version inspired by a local story here in San Francisco. A young boy, in remission from cancer, had dreamed of being a superhero so the Make a Wish Foundation created an event that made this little guy Batkid for a day. My wife and I were on the streets of San Francisco last Fall to support his heroic efforts to save Gotham City (San Francisco). It's a day we'll never forget. I was able to deliver the second Batman Cat painting to the Make a Wish Foundation before his special day as a keepsake. I hope this painting reminds him everyday that he truly is a superhero.

Source: http://sf.wish.org/wishes/wish-stories/i-w...